Japanese American Internment: A Test of Loyalty & Courage by Gladys Horiuchi
Feb 28, 2025 12:15 PM
Gladys Horiuchi, Japanese American Internment
Japanese American Internment: A Test of Loyalty & Courage by Gladys Horiuchi
Gladys Horiuchi has worked as a communications professional for the California wine and health care industries for more than 40 years. A native
of Salt Lake City, Utah, she is a fourth-generation Japanese American. Horiuchi was originally a teacher and job counselor in Salt Lake before
relocating to the San Francisco Bay Area in 1978.
When her father passed away a few years ago, she put together some family history on her father’s life, including his time in an internment camp
during World War II and his service in U.S. Military Intelligence. When she gave a presentation on this family history to her Toastmasters Club, she
learned that a number of people did not know about this chapter of American history. As a result, Horiuchi has given her presentation to
several local high school history classes and elsewhere.
Sebastopol has a unique history related to Japanese American internment. Horiuchi will include how Sebastopol residents helped Japanese Americans
during this dark time. Her presentation, “Japanese American Internment:A Test of Loyalty and Courage,” is a personal story of patriotism, loyalty,
endurance and friendship.