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The Rotary Club of Sebastopol was admitted to membership by Rotary International on May 26, 1925 as Club Number 2063. Since then, the Rotary Club of Sebastopol has rung the bell to start their meeting at 12:15pm nearly every Friday.
Our club was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa.   
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The initial meeting, in 1925, took place at the Sebastopol Chamber of Commerce Building (corner of Sebastopol and Petaluma Avenues), which was built in 1923 and landscaped by Luther Burbank).  The club met there until February 1959 when the club moved to the Veterans Building (282 S. High Street), which was also new at the time.
Today, the club meets at the Community Church
(1000 Gravenstein Hwy North).
Our club will celebrate its 100 year anniversary in 2025!