Since 1925
President`s Message

Welcome to the Sebastopol Rotary Club's website.  On behalf of our club, I am excited as we enter our Centennial Year.   This is an amazing accomplishment for us to reach our 100th year and to be able to continue our journey of helping the youth in our community, working to eradicate polio and spreading PEACE in our world.  We are mighty proud that we have taught every second grader to swim for free since 1984.  We have completed 14 years of our Overcoming Obstacles program in which we honor six high school seniors who have overcome serious hurdles in their young lives. We work on projects to help our community – refreshing the landscapes around the post office, chamber, art center, senior center, and numerous other projects.

Rotary International President, Stephanie Urchick’s theme for the 2024-25 year is “The Magic of Rotary".  This theme came to Stephanie from a small boy in a remote village where Rotary had just installed a clean water system.  Stephanie shared with the village how to turn on the water system.  After the water was off, the small boy came up to Stephanie a short time later and asked: "Can you please show me the magic again.” This was no magician's trick, just an amazing gift of something that we all take for granted. Why don’t you consider joining with us in the magic of Rotary.

Along with our swimming lessons and helping high school seniors who have overcome serious obstacles, we will continue to build upon our cornerstone of youth oriented programs which provide:


·Teacher Grants of up to $500 per teacher to help enhance classroom curriculums

·Community Grants up to $5,000 for youth program and community improvements

·Interact Clubs teaching leadership skills and community involvement to middle and high school students

·RYLA Leadership Camp for high school juniors

·Cool Kids Camp for abused youth

·Financial Literacy for high school students

·Mental Health programs in the middle and high schools

·Holiday Gifts & Meals to families and children in need

·Youth Exchange with other countries; both inbound and outbound


Please ask me how you can join our effort to give our youth the power and opportunity to succeed, all while having fun making our community and world a better place.

Yours in Rotary Service,

Cindy Carter

Cindy Carter, 2024-2025 President

Sebastopol Rotary Club

408-431-7820 cell phone

Sebastopol Rotary Makes a Difference
(Click the play arrow > once you are on the video page.)
Please visit our DONATE page to make a difference.
Current Club Meetings
We are a friendly and welcoming group to all.

Please join us for our fun and informative weekly meetings at: 
The Community Church of Sebastopol.
We meet every Friday at 12:00 noon

Memorial Hall building (on the southern section of the grounds)
1000 Gravenstein Hwy. North
Sebastopol, CA 95472

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
ROTARY is committed to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
2025 Crab Feed
(Pick up at Will Call)
Club payments

Upcoming Speakers
Ken Wayne, Flying Tails Animal Rescue
Feb 21, 2025 12:15 PM
Flying Tails Animal Rescue by Ken Wayne
Gladys Horiuchi, Japanese American Internment
Feb 28, 2025 12:15 PM
Japanese American Internment: A Test of Loyalty & Courage by Gladys Horiuchi
Rotary Global Rewards

Serving in Strange Times
Club Sponsors 2024-2025
Chris O'Neill and Barbara Sattler.
The Neil & Amelia McDaniel Family Fund
About Our Sponsors 2024-2025
Sponsors – Fiscal Year 2024-2025
All sponsors are supporting ALL Rotary Club of Sebastopol service programs for one year.  Where a sponsor has requested their donation be earmarked for a specific program, that is so noted.  We are grateful to all of these supporters and look forward to partnering with them.
Diamond Plus - $10,000
The Neil & Amelia McDaniel Family Fund
Platinum - $5,000
Gold - $2500
Team  Ghilotti (
Chris O'Neill and Barbara Sattler
Silver - $1,000
Apache Pools Inc.
MEI Fasteners LLC (
Moresco Distributing
Pacific Market (
Patisserie Angelica 
Reichwage Winery (
Bronze - $500
Campways Truck Accessory World (
EBA Engineering (
LB Business Solutions (
Park Avenue Turf (
Portalais Designer's Choice in Windows, Doors & More (
Sebastopol Community Church (